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Select All Files & More

David van Dokkum
Chief Operating Officer

Select All Files

When using the "Select All" checkmark in the file list, you will now see an option to select ALL files in the case, not just the files on the current page of results. This functionality works with filters as well, allowing you to select and take bulk actions on all documents/emails in the case that match a certain filter criteria.

Faster File Navigation

David van Dokkum
Chief Operating Officer

Jump to File Number

When working on a large stack of documents or emails, it is important to be able to navigate quickly between files. We've made some improvements to how we handle document transitions to faciliate faster navigation between files in a stack.

When clicking the next/previous buttons, you can now rapidly click between files, previewing the titles without having to wait for the entire document to load. If you already know which file you're going to, you can now jump directly to a file by clicking on the number indicator and typing in the file number.


Organize Files by Size

David van Dokkum
Chief Operating Officer

Page Counts

We've added a new column to our email and document file lists that displays the total number of pages of the PDF-rendered version of the file. This can be useful if you need find your largest files, or to quickly check the size of the file before clicking into it.

Image Uploads and Due Dates

David van Dokkum
Chief Operating Officer

Image Uploads

If you need to review and sanitize screenshots or other type of images, you can now upload these directly into Phaselab without having to convert them to PDF first. We currently support the following image types: png, jpg, jpeg, jp2, tif, tiff.

Managing User Invitations

David van Dokkum
Chief Operating Officer

User Invitations

Occasionally, new users aren't able to receive their invite emails due to corporate email filters. Admins can now copy a user's unique invitation link from the member management page. This link can then be shared with the user directly so they can complete the signup process.